This annual award in the amount of $10,000 is designed to encourage and foster literary activity that combines serious play, imagination, erudition and innovative practice.


Tom La Farge was a stylist who passionately rejected exclusivist dualities: adult/child, human/animal, male/female. His work fuses wit, fabulism, learning, compassion and radical play in a way that eludes the dominant literary conventions of both mainstream and avant-garde. Because this award aims to foster literary work in his spirit, applicants will be expected to familiarize themselves with his legacy. Proposals will be considered by a committee selected by Wendy Walker from among Tom's students, fellow writers and friends.

The award may be sought for a project or body of work in writing, publishing, education or any combination of the three. Applicants may not be enrolled in any degree-granting institution. Applications must be made in English and should include:


1)     an introduction to the applicant’s self and work (500 words max.);

2)     a description of the project for which the money will be used (1000 words max.);

3)     a statement of how the proposal engages with Tom's work and the values espoused therein (500 words max.);

4) a 2-page writing sample, preferably from the work for which you are seeking support, but if that work is not yet written, then from whatever you consider to be your best work that is relevant to the award. 

During the reading period, applicants may be contacted for additional materials and an interview by the committee.

Friends and relatives of committee members (listed below) may apply. The committee member of their acquaintance will participate in the discussion of their application, but will recuse herself from the vote.

The submission window for the 2025 award is now closed. Please check back for the announcement of a winner and for information about the 2026 award.

Committee Members:

WENDY WALKER, Chairperson, author, artist, teacher, editor

PAUL LA FARGE (1970—2023), Advisor, novelist, teacher

Corina Bardoff, writer, librarian

Sam Goodman, writer, teacher

Michael Kowalski, composer, critic

Daniel Levin Becker, author, translator, editor

Eliza Grace Martin, writer

Philip Ording, mathematician, author, teacher